If you are having problems with sending or receiving Email, this page will help you resolve the issue
Please choose the kind of problem you are having:
How to use SpamArrest with your @cymru1.net email account
Problems with Outlook or Outlook Express
How to use your old freeserve, BTClick, Virgin etc email with Cymru 1 Connect
<Spam Arrest is an absolutely fantastic Anti-Spam system that can reduce the amount of spam that arrives in your mailbox by up to 100%. For more details and a 30 day free trial, please Click Here.
SpamArrest normally works by collecting email directly from your mailbox. You then collect your email from SpamArrest after it has removed the spam rather than collecting your email directly from your mailbox.
This means you must:
1) Tell SpamArrest how to collect email from your mailbox
When you set up your account with SpamArrest you will be asked to supply your email address, email account username, email account password, and pop3 server address.
Your email account username is the same as your full email address. It is NOT just the part before the @ sign.
Your pop3 server address is pop3.cymru1.net
You chose your email address and password when you signed up for your email address.
2) Configure your Email program to collect email from SpamArrest rather than from your mailbox.
SpamArrest allows you to download a tool to make the configuration changes for you. However, if you wish to do everything manually, all you have to do is change the incoming (POP3) maileserver address for your email account in Outlook or Outlook Express from pop3.cymru1.net to spamarrest.com
Please contact SpamArrest's Technical Support department for further information and advice if you have any problems with either step.
To use our Webmail system, which allows you to send and receive email via your Web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer), simply point your browser to http://webmail.cymru1.net (in other words type this in the address line of your browser and press the RETURN/ENTER key on your keyboard)
This will take you to the Cymru 1 Webmail login screen. In the Email address box, type in your full Cymru 1 email address including the @cymru1.net. For example, if you chose a username of 'David' when you signed up, your email address would be david@cymru1.net and this is what you should type into the Email address box.
In the password box, enter the password you chose when you signed up (a "*" will appear for each letter you type - this is a security precaution and perfectly normal.
If you place a tick in the Remember Me check box, our Webmail system will automatically log you in when you next visit it. PLEASE NOTE: If other people use your computer, and you don't want them to access your email, it is best NOT to tick this box.
Finally, click on the Log In button. This will take you to the Cymru 1 Webmail system. Online help for the system is available from this screen to give you more information on how to use it.
If you are having problems sending or receiving email using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, first try using our Webmail system (explained above). If you can successfully send or receive email using Webmail, but cannot do so using Outlook or Outlook Express, then there's obviously a problem with your software configuration, so please read on.
In order for Outlook or Outlook Express to successfully send and receive email, the program needs to know five key things:
Your email Account name
Your email password
Your email address
The POP3 (incoming) email server it should use
The SMTP (outgoing) email server it should use.
In Outlook and Outlook Express, your email Account name is actually exactly the same as your Cymru 1 Email address, including the @cymru1.net at the end. For example, if you chose a username of david when you signed up for your Cymru 1 Connect account, then your email address and therefore also your Email account name would be david@cymru1.net. Your email password is the password you chose when you signed up. This password is also used for accessing Webmail and for dial-up access.
The Cymru 1 POP3 server you should tell Outlook or Outlook Express to use is pop3.cymru1.net
The SMTP server you should tell Outlook or Outlook Express to use is smtp.cymru1.net
HOWEVER, if you are using another ISP to connect to the Internet for some reason (in other words if you are not using the Cymru 1 0845 or 0844 dial-up numbers to connect to the Internet), then you will get an error if you try to use the Cymru 1 SMTP server (smtp.cymru1.net). This is a security precaution, aimed at preventing misuse of our email facilities. You can get around this problem by simply using our Webmail system, or you can enter the name of the SMTP server that whoever you are using to connect to the Internet provides instead. For example, if you are using BT Openworld to connect to the Internet rather than Cymru 1, you should use smtp.btopenworld.com instead of smtp.cymru1.net as your SMTP (outgoing) email server.
How to enter your account name, password, POP3 server and SMTP server
During the process of signing up for the Cymru 1 Connect service, you had the option of clicking on the special icon, which would configure all these settings for you in Outlook or Outlook Express automatically.
If this didn’t work, or if you need to do it again, the following instructions will help you do it manually.
Exactly how you enter the necessary details depends on the version of Outlook or Outlook Express you are using.
Select from the following:
Outlook (in Office 2000 and earlier)
Launch Outlook Express. Click on the Tools drop down menu, and select Accounts from this list.
A new window called Internet Accounts will appear, with several tabs across the top (All, Mail and so on). Click on the Mail tab.
Look to see if any accounts are listed in this window.
IF YOU CAN SEE AN ACCOUNT CALLED pop3.cymru1.net, OR INDEED ANYTHING WITH cymru1.net IN IT, do the following:
1) Use your mouse to click on the cymru1 entry to highlight it, then click on the Properties button.
2) A new window will appear with several tabs across the top (General, Servers, Connection .. etc).
3) In the General tab, in the first box under Mail Account, the name of the account, as listed in the previous window, will appear. If you like you can rename it. You can call it anything you like, such as pop3.cymru1.net or Cymru 1 Email.
4) In the User Information area, your name should appear. If you like you can change it. Just type in your name and (if you like) your organisation's name in the organisation area. (e.g. David Davis in the Name field, and Davis Limited in the Organisation field. Exactly what you type here doesn't matter, but it is sent along with your email, so don't put anything rude or illegal in here).
5) In the Email address field, your Cymru 1 email address should appear. If it does not, simply type in your Cymru 1 email address (e.g. david@cymru1.net).
5) There is normally no need to put anything in the Reply address field, but if you want you can enter your email address in here again. (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
7) Make sure there is a tick in the Include this account when receiving mail or synchronising check box.
8) Now click on the Servers tab at the top of the window.
9) You should see a line that says "My incoming mail server is a POP3 server".
10) In the incoming mail (POP3) line, make sure it says "pop3.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it.
11) In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) line, make sure it says "smtp.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it.
(If you are using another ISP and not Cymru 1 to provide your dial-up facilities, put the name of the ISP's SMTP server in this line instead)
12) In the Account name line, make sure your Email Account name is listed (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
13) Enter your password in the Password line. For security purposes, a "*" will be displayed for each letter in your password rather than the password itself.
14) Make sure that "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" is NOT ticked.
15) Make sure that "My server requires authorisation" is NOT ticked.
All the main items you need to enter or check have now been entered or checked. You should now be able to use Outlook Express to send and receive email
To create a new account, do the following:
1) Click on the Add button and select Mail from the list of items that appear.
2) This will launch a Wizard that will ask you some questions and set up your email system automatically.
3) The first thing the Wizard asks for is your name. Just tell it your name, as you'd like it to appear in your email.
4) Click on the Next button
5) In the next screen, make sure the "I already have an e-mail address that I'd like to use" is selected. In the Email address line, enter your email address (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
6) Click on the Next button
7) In the next screen, make sure POP3 is selected in the "My Incoming mail server is" line. If it is not, then change it.
8) In the "Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server" line, enter the name of the Cymru 1 POP3 server, which is pop3.cymru1.net
9) In the "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" line, enter the name of the Cymru 1 SMTP server, which is smtp.cymru1.net (Unless you are using another ISP to connect to the Internet and not Cymru 1. In such cases you should enter the name of the ISP's SMTP server and not the Cymru 1 SMTP server)
10) Click on the Next button
11) In the next screen, enter your email address in the Account name line (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
12) In the Password line, enter your Cymru 1 password. Click on the Remember Password option if you want Outlook to remember your password from now on. This is a good idea unless other people use your computer and you don't want them to read your email.
13) Make sure that "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" line is NOT ticked.
14) Click on the Next button
15) You are almost finished. The next screen will tell you that you've finished setting up your account. Now simply click on the Finish button. A new account will have been created for you called pop3.cymru1.net. You'll see it listed in the Mail tab of the Internet Accounts window.
16) To close this window, click on the Close button.
17) Click on the big Send/Recv button in the Outlook Express button bar towards the top of the screen to send and receive your email. Further help on using Outlook Express can be found by using the Outlook Express Help menu option, just to the right of the Messages menu option at the top of the main Outlook Express window.
Microsoft Outlook (in Office 2000 and earlier)
Launch Outlook. Click on the Tools drop down menu, and select Accounts from this list.
A new window called Internet Accounts will appear, with several tabs across the top (All, Mail and so on). Click on the Mail tab.
Look to see if you can find any accounts for your Cymru 1 email in this window.
IF YOU CAN SEE AN ACCOUNT CALLED pop3.cymru1.net, OR INDEED ANYTHING WITH cymru1.net IN IT, do the following:
1) Use your mouse to click on the cymru1 entry to highlight it, then click on the Properties button.
2) A new window will appear with several tabs across the top (General, Servers, Connection .. etc).
3) In the General tab, in the first box under Mail Account, you should see the name of the account as listed in the previous window. If you like you can change the name to something else to help you find it in future. You can call it anything you like, such as pop3.cymru1.net or Cymru 1 Email.
4) In the User Information area, your name should appear. If it does not, then just type in your name and (if you like) your organisation's name in the Organisation field (e.g. David Davis in the Name field, and Davis Limited in the Organisation field). Exactly what you type here doesn't really matter, but note that it is sent along with your email, so don't put anything rude or illegal in.
5) In the Email address field, your cymru 1 email address should appear. If it does not, simply type in your Cymru 1 email address (e.g. david@cymru1.net).
5) There is normally no need to put anything in the Reply address field, but if you want you can enter your email address in here again. (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
7) Make sure there is a tick in the "Include this account when receiving mail or synchronising" check box.
8) Now click on the Servers tab at the top of the window.
9) You should see a line that says "My incoming mail server is a POP3 server".
10) In the "Incoming mail (POP3)" line, make sure it says "pop3.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it.
11) In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) line, make sure it says smtp.cymru1.net (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it.
(If you are using another ISP and not Cymru 1 to provide your dial-up facilities, put the name of the ISP's SMTP server in this line instead)
12) In the Account name line, make sure your Email Account name is listed (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
13) Enter your password in the Password line. For security purposes, a "*" will be displayed for each letter in your password rather than the password itself.
14) Make sure that "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" is NOT ticked.
15) Make sure that "My server requires authorisation" is NOT ticked.
All the main items you need to enter or check have now been entered or checked. You should now be able to use Outlook Express to send and receive email
To create a new account, do the following:
1) Click on the Add button and select Mail from the list of items that appear.
2) This will launch a Wizard that will ask you some questions and set up your email system automatically.
3) The first thing the Wizard asks for is your Display name. Just tell it your name, as you'd like it to appear in your email.
4) Click on the Next button
5) In the next screen you need to tell Outlook your email address. So in the Email address line just enter your email address (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
6) Click on the Next button
7) In the next screen, make sure POP3 is selected in the "My Incoming mail server is" line. If it is not, then change it.
8) In the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server line, enter the name of the Cymru 1 POP3 server, which is pop3.cymru1.net
9) In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server line, enter the name of the Cymru 1 SMTP server, which is smtp.cymru1.net (Unless you are using another ISP to connect to the Internet and not Cymru 1. In such cases you should enter the name of the ISP's SMTP server and not the Cymru 1 SMTP server)
10) Click on the Next button
11) In the next screen, enter your email address in the Account name line (e.g. david@cymru1.net)
12) In the Password line, enter your Cymru 1 password. Click on the Remember Password option if you want Outlook to remember your password from now on. This is a good idea unless other people use your computer and you don't want them to read your email.
13) Make sure that "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" is NOT ticked.
14) Click on the Next button
15) You are almost finished. If the Wizard now wants to know how you connect to the Internet, tell it that you wish to establish a connection manually (the last option).
16) Click on the Next button
17) Outlook will tell you that you've successfully entered all the details it needs and that you are ready to do.
18) Click on the Finish button.
19) Click on the Close button to close the email accounts window.
20) Click on the big Send/Recv button in the Outlook button bar towards the top of the screen to send and receive your email. Further help on using Outlook can be found by using the Outlook Help menu option, just to the right of the Messages menu option at the top of the main Outlook Express window.
Microsoft Outlook XP (in Office XP [2002])
The version of Outlook in Microsoft Office XP has a slightly different user interface to that of the version in Office 2000 and earlier.
To find out if it is configured correctly, run Outlook, click on the Tools menu, and select E-Mail accounts from the list displayed.
The first step is to see if you have an existing entry for your Cymru 1 E-mail. To do this, select the View of Change existing Email accounts option, and click on Next.
You should now be looking at a list of your existing Email accounts.
IF YOU CAN SEE A Cymru 1 ACCOUNT ENTRY, do the following:
1) Click on the Cymru 1 entry to highlight it, then click on the Change button. A new window will appear.
2) In the User Information line, make sure your real name or organisation is listed in "Your Name". This is just the information that will be transmitted along with your emails - it doesn't matter what it is as long as you don't mind other people seeing this information at the top of all your emails.
3) In the E-mail Address line, make sure your Cymru 1 email address is shown (e.g. david@cymru1.net).
4) In the User Name line, make sure your Cymru 1 Email username is shown (e.g. david@cymru1.net) in this line.
5) In the Password line, enter your Cymru 1 password. You selected this when you signed up. It is the same as your dial-up password. When you type your password in this line, you'll see a "*" appear in place of each real letter in your password - this is just a security precaution.
6) Make sure there is a tick in the "Remember password" box if you don't want to have to type your password in each time you collect your email. However, if other people use your computer and you don't want them collecting your email, make sure there is no tick here.
7) Make sure there is no tick in the Log on using Secure Password Authentication box.
8) In the Incoming mail server (POP3) line, make sure it reads "pop3.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it.
9) In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) line, make sure it reads "smtp.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). If it does not, then change it. However, if you are using another ISP and not using Cymru 1 to connect to the Internet, put the name of the other ISP's SMTP server here instead.
10) At this point everything should be working correctly. If you click on the Test Account Settings button, Outlook XP will make sure everything is working correctly, and tell you what isn't - this can help you trouble-shoot further.
1) Click on the Add button from the E-mail Accounts list window (or select Add a new e-mail account from the very first E-mail Accounts window).
2) From the Server Type list window, select POP3 and click on the Next button.
3) Under the User Information heading, enter your real name or organisation in the Your Name line. This is just the information that will be transmitted along with your emails - it doesn't matter what it is as long as you don't mind other people seeing this information at the top of all your emails.
4) In the E-mail Address line, enter your Cymru 1 email address (e.g. david@cymru1.net).
5) In the User Name line, enter your Cymru 1 Email address again (e.g. david@cymru1.net) .
6) In the Password line, enter your Cymru 1 Connect password. You selected this when you signed up. It is the same as your dial-up password. When you type your password in this line, you'll see a "*" appear in place of each real letter in your password - this is just a security precaution.
7) Make sure there is a tick in the "Remember password" box if you don't want to have to type your password in each time you collect your email. However, if other people use your computer and you don't want them collecting your email, make sure there is no tick here.
8) Make sure there is no tick in the "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" box.
9) In the "Incoming mail server (POP3)" line, enter "pop3.cymru1.net" (without the quotes).
10) In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) line, enter "smtp.cymru1.net" (without the quotes). However, if you are using another ISP and not using Cymru 1 to connect to the Internet, put the name of the other ISP's SMTP server here instead.
11) At this point everything should be working correctly. If you click on the Test Account Settings button, Outlook XP will make sure everything is working correctly, and tell you what isn't - this can help you trouble-shoot further.
You may be able to continue to use your old email accounts with your Cymru 1 Connect service. All you normally need to do is change the Outgoing (SMTP) server setting in your old account from whatever it used to be (e.g. smtp.bt.com or mail.virgin.net) to smtp.cymru1.net ----Doing so will ensure that you do not receive any error messages when replying to messages received on your old Email account.
If your old account was a "free" or "pay as
you go" type of account, where you had to pay for the
cost of the phone call whenever your computer was connected
to the Internet, there is an important point you should be
aware of.
In the Terms And Conditions for almost all "free" or "pay as you go" accounts, it usually says that if you do not use the account for a certain period (usually somewhere between 21 and 60 days) the account may be terminated. In this case use does not mean just sending or receiving email. It actually means using the Dial-Up Internet access facility that the email account forms part of. Thus your old Email account may stop working without warning if you do not, from time to time, use your old account to connect to the Internet. To get around this problem, simply connect to the Internet using your old account for a minute or so every so often (exactly how often you should do so depends on the Terms and Conditions of the account, but usually once a month will suffice). Remember that you will incur call charges for the time that you connect to the Internet using your old account.
After connecting to the Internet with your old account to ensure it is not terminated, please ensure that your Cymru 1 Connect account is still the default Dial-Up account and that the number being dialled when connecting to the Internet under normal circumstances is 0844 535 1740 (The main Pay As You Go dial-up number that customers with @cymru1.net addresses normally use).
To change the SMTP server settings to smtp.cymru1.net, proceed as follows:
In Outlook Express 5.x or Outlook 2000, do the following:
Click on Tools then select Accounts, then click on the Mail tab in the window that appears. Locate your old email account, highlight it, then click on the Properties button. Next, click on the Servers tab in the window that will appear. Locate the line that says Outgoing mail (SMTP), make a note of the old smtp server just in case you ever need to use it again, then change it to be smtp.cymru1.net
Click on OK to close the window, then on Close to close the Internet accounts window. You should find that you don't get any errors anymore, but please also read the note at the end of this page.
In Outlook 2002 (as supplied with Office XP), do the following:
Click on Tools then select Email accounts, then choose the View or change existing email accounts option and click on Next. Locate your old account, highlight it, then click on the "change" button. Locate the line that says Outgoing mail server (SMTP), make a note of what it says in the white box then change it to read smtp.cymru1.net
Click on Next then on Finish. You should find that you don't get any errors anymore, but please read the following note:
Under certain circumstances you may also need to change one additional setting in Outlook or Outlook Express. This is only required if Windows keeps asking you if you would like to switch connections every time you send/receive email (you should answer NO).
To stop this happening, you need to change the "Connect Using" setting you'll find listed if you select Tools then Accounts in Outlook Express (or Tools then Email Accounts in Outlook).
If you find that in the entry on this page for your old Email account is says "Connect Using XXX", where XXX is the name of your old ISP, you should change it to either "Any Available" or to your Cymru 1 Connect dial-up account.
Exactly how to do this depends on the version of Outlook or Outlook Express you have installed but you normally change this setting by clicking on the name of the Email account in question in the window that appears if you select Tools, Accounts (or Email accounts), selecting Properties, then selecting Connections. Untick the Always connect using tick box in order to change the setting to "Any Available", OR select the name of the Cymru 1 Connect pay as you go Dial-Up account from the drop down list.
Cymru 1 cannot be held responsible for any additional or unexpected call charges you might incur if your computer is not correctly configured to connect to the Internet via the appropriate dial-up number for the type of account you subscribe to (normally our 0844 535 1740 Pay As You Go number for customers with @cymru1.net email addresses).