In this section you'll find information that should help you solve any problems you might be having with connecting to the Internet using the Cymru 1 Connect service. This is our original Pay As You Go Dial-up service, using a dial-up number of 0844 535 1740 and with users being issued with an email address ending in If your account uses any other type of dial-up number or email address then you are reading the wrong help pages for your service.
Most connection problems stem from your modem. Since there are thousands of different models of modem, we can't cover them all there. So, before you do anything else, we suggest that you follow the instructions provided with your modem to check that it is working correctly. If it is working, then read on. If your modem does not appear to be working, please contact your modem manufacturer or PC vendor before continuing.
Please select from the following in order for us to take you to the most relevant information as quickly as possible:
I have a 56k modem but I can only ever connect at slower speeds
When using a conventional modem on a conventional telephone line (rather than using an ISDN adapter with an ISDN line), the maximum speed at which you can connect depends more than anything on the quality of your telephone line.
The better the quality of the line, the faster you'll be able to connect, though we should point out that we have NEVER seen a 56k modem connect at speeds faster than 52k even with a following wind.
By quality, we mean how well the line is able to carry the special audio tones that modems use to transmit and receive data. Unfortunately it can be next to impossible to judge the quality of a line by ear alone - often the only way you'll be able to tell if you have a low quality line is by the fact that you can't connect at high speeds using a modem. Worse still, there's absolutely nothing you can do to improve things other than complain to your telephone service provider (usually BT), but this rarely does any good.
Investing in an ISDN or Home or Business Highway line is an exception to this rule of thumb - using an ISDN adapter instead of a modem with this type of line technically guarantees you'll get a high-speed (64k using one channel and 128k using both channels at once) connection each and every time. Unfortunately, ISDN and Highway lines cost more to rent than normal phone lines. Note that network problems on the Internet, heavily used servers and other issues can still cause performance bottlenecks that can slow the flow of data between you and the Internet site you want to connect to.
Investing in an ADSL connection is another way to improve your connection speeds. Again this can be expensive, but does provide an always-on connection to the Internet, and a fast one at that. Please be aware that ADSL lines are subject to what's known as contention ratios. This means that is many ADSL customers in your area are using the service at once to download large amounts of data, you connection speeds will suffer quite significantly. And again line quality can raise its ugly head - on poor quality lines, especially if you live relatively far away from your local exchange, the maximum speed at which you can send or receive data may be less than the maximum sped your ADSL connection can theoretically provide.
Alternative Carriers
Customers who have BT telephone lines but use alternative carriers (i.e. customers who get a bill from BT for their line rental, but the bill for their telephone calls comes from another company) may need to route their Internet calls via BT rather than the alternative carrier in order to connect to the Internet successfully.
If you have set your computer to dial a special access number in order to route your Internet calls through your alternative carrier, please remove this special number.
If you have a special box plugged into your telephone line that automatically routes all your calls through the alternative carrier, please ensure that you either :
a) Connect your computer to a telephone socket that is not connected to this box.
b) Disable routing through the box for your Internet calls. Please contact your alternative carrier for information on how to do this - normally it is as simple as adding "##" or a special two or three number sequence before the start of the telephone number.
General Connection/Configuration problems
When you first sign up to the Cymru 1 Connect service, you are given the option of having your computer configured automatically for you by clicking on an icon on your screen. Alternatively, you can choose to enter the appropriate configuration information manually. If you use the automatic configuration option, or have correctly entered the information provided manually, you should be able to connect to our service without any problems. But things don't always go smoothly, do they? So, to help you get the bottom of the problem, on this page you'll find extensive instructions for checking your Windows dial-up connection settings under Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000 and XP.
But before you can do this you'll need to know two things: your dialup username and your dialup password.
You chose a password and username when you signed up for the service.
Your dialup password is the same as the password you chose.
Your dialup username is the same as the username you chose, but with added to the end. So, if you chose david.jones as your username, your dialup username would be
OK. Now, let's go on to check those settings. Since each version of Windows does things slightly differently, there is a different procedure to follow for each one. So the first step is to select your operating system from the following list. Doing so will make your browser jump to the part of this page dedicated to the operating system you have on your PC.
Windows 95 or 98 (including Windows 98SE/Second Edition)
If you have Windows Me installed on your PC, you need to click on the Start button, then select Settings, then Dial-Up Networking.
Doing so should bring up a new window on your screen containing your dial-up networking settings. There should be a minimum of two icons in this window, one labeled "Make a New Connection", and one labeled Cymru 1.
Use the RIGHT mouse button to click on the Cymru 1 icon, and select Properties from the pop-up menu that appears. This will case a new window to appear on your screen, showing the phone numbers that Windows should use to connect to the Cymru 1 service. Area code should read 0844. Telephone number should read 535 1740 and Country Code should read United Kingdom (44). There should be a tick in the box next to the words "Use area code and Dialling Properties".
Below all this there is an area labeled "Connect Using". The name by which Windows refers to your modem or ISDN card should appear underneath this (e.g. something like Standard 56K modem, Standard Modem, SupraExpress, Eicon Diva channel 0 or similar). If it does not, click on the small downward pointing triangle to the right of the name of the modem listed - all the modems configured on your PC will then be listed. Simply select the correct modem.
Now click on the tab labeled Networking - you'll find it right at the top of the window, between the General tab and the Security Tab. Type of Dial-Up Server should read "PPP, Internet, Windows 2000/NT, Windows ME" and will probably be "grayed out" so you can't change it. Under Advanced Options, "Enable software compression" should be ticked, but "Record a log file for this connection" should not. Under "Allowed network protocols", the only box that should be ticked should be "TCP/IP".
Click on the TCP/IP Settings button. There should be a blob in the Server Assigned IP address, and not in the Specify a IP address. Similarly, there should be a blob in the Server Assigned name server address, and not in the Specify name server addresses.
There should be a tick in the Use IP header compression and Use default gateway on remote network. Other areas in this window where you might be able to enter text should be "grayed out".
Click on the OK button.
Now click on the Security tab (between Networking and Scripting). In Authentication, the username you see should be the same as your dialup username as described above (for example, The Password should show a row of asterisks (*)s. These asterisks hide your actual password from prying eyes, but each * represents a letter or number in your password. If you like, you can use your mouse to highlight all the asterisks, press the key marked "Delete" on your keyboard, then type in your password again.
There should be nothing in the Domain field.
If you want your computer to connect to Cymru 1 automatically without prompting you for a password every time it needs to connect to the Internet (e.g. if you run Internet Explorer), then putting a tick in the Connect automatically box will tell your computer to do so. With no tick in this box, your computer will only connect to the Internet if you give it permission to do so, by clicking on the CONNECT button on the dial-up networking window that appears when a program wants to connect to the Internet.
All the boxes in the Advanced security options box should be clear (not ticked).
Finally, click on the Dialling tab, which is at the top right of the window, next to Multilink.
There should be a tick in the "This is the default Internet connection" box. Of the three options below, most users will need to select the "Always dial my default connection" one.
You need not worry about the other options in this window, as they won't prevent you from connecting to Cymru 1. They can be very useful though, as they can automatically disconnect your computer from the Internet if you've not used it for a while - very handy if you've left your computer accidentally connected and forgotten about it.
Now click on OK.
This takes you back to the main Dial-Up Networking window. Try double-clicking on the Cymru 1 icon. It should connect you to the Internet when you do so.
If you still can't connect, please contact the Cymru 1 technical support department. Click here for details on how to do so.
If you have Windows 95 or 98 (including Windows 98SE/Second Edition), you need to double click on the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, then double-click on the Dial-Up Networking icon you see in the window that appears.
Doing so brings up a new window on your screen containing your dial-up networking settings. There should be a minimum of two icons in this window, one labeled "Make a New Connection", and one labeled "Cymru 1".
Use the RIGHT mouse button to click on the Cymru 1 icon, and select Properties from the pop-up menu that appears. This will cause a new window to appear on your screen, showing the phone numbers that Windows should use to connect to the Cymru 1 service. "Area code" should read 0844. "Telephone number" should read 5351740 and "Country Code" should read "United Kingdom (44)". There should be a tick in the box next to the words "Use area code and Dialling Properties".
Below all this there is an area labeled "Connect Using". The name by which Windows refers to your modem or ISDN card should appear underneath this (e.g. something like Standard 56K modem, Standard Modem, SupraExpress, Eicon Diva channel 0 or similar). If it does not, click on the small downward pointing triangle to the right of the name of the modem listed - all the modems configured on your PC will then be listed. Simply select the correct modem.
Now click on the tab labeled "Server Types" - you'll find it right at the top of the window, between the General tab and the Scripting tab. Type of Dial-Up Server should read "PPP, Internet, Windows 2000/NT, Windows 98" (or 95) and will probably be "grayed out" so you can't change it. Under Advanced Options, "Enable software compression" should be ticked, but nothing else should be. Under "Allowed network protocols", the only box that should be ticked should be "TCP/IP".
Click on the TCP/IP Settings button. There should be a dot in the "Server Assigned IP address", and not in the "Specify an IP address". Similarly, there should be a dot in the "Server Assigned name server address", and not in the "Specify name server addresses".
There should be a tick in the "Use IP header compression" and "Use default gateway on remote network". Other areas in this window where you might be able to enter text should be "grayed out".
Click on the OK button to get rid of the TCP/IP Settings window, and click on OK again in the other window (the one with the TCP/IP Settings button you clicked earlier).
The Windows Dial-Up Networking window with the Cymru 1 and Make New Connection icons should be visible again.
Now double click on the Cymru 1 icon. A Connect To window should appear. In the User name box, you should see your Cymru 1 dialup username, as explained above (e.g. The Password box should show a row of asterisks (*). These asterisks hide your actual password from prying eyes, but each * represents a letter or number in your password. If you like, you can use your mouse to highlight all the asterisks, press the key marked "Delete" on your keyboard, then type in your password again. If the box was blank, just type in your password. In either case, you'll see a * appear for each letter or digit in your password. Click in the "Save password" box if you want Windows to remember your dialup password and enter it automatically each time you connect to Cymru 1 (Note - Windows does not always save your password if it fails to connect, so you may have to enter it manually until you finally connect successfully).
In the phone number field, you should see the Cymru 1 dial-up Number (0844 535 1740). It doesn't matter if there is a space between any of the numbers or not.
It does not usually matter what it says in the Dialling from box. Most often it will say New Location.
At this point you should be ready to try to connect again. Click on the Connect button and listen - if you hear your modem pick up the telephone line and dial, then all should be well.
If you still can't connect, contact the Cymru 1 technical support department. Click here for details on how to do so.
If you have Windows XP, you need to click on the Start button, then select My Network Places. In the window that appears, click on View network connections in the Network Tasks area of the window. The window should change to display Dial-up connections in the top part of the window (and possibly LAN or High-Speed Internet below that.
In the Dial-up section, you should see a Cymru 1 icon.
Use the RIGHT mouse button to click on the Cymru 1 icon. If you see an entry in this menu that reads "Set as Default Connection", select this option to make Cymru 1 your default dial-up connection. If Cymru 1 is already your default dial-up connection, you'll see a menu entry that reads "Cancel as default connection" instead. DO NOT select this option.
Now Use the RIGHT mouse button to click on the Cymru 1 icon again, but this time select Properties from the pop-up menu that appears.
This will cause a new window to appear on your screen, showing the phone numbers that Windows should use to connect to the Cymru 1 service, and which device (modem) it should use.
IF THE AREA CODE AND COUNTRY/REGION CODE AREAS ARE BLANKED/GREYED OUT, and the Use Dialling Rules tick box is NOT ticked, as long as the full telephone number for the Cymru 1 service is listed in the Phone Number section (0844 5351740) , all is well.
If the area code and country/region code areas are not blanked/grayed out, and the Use Dialling Rules tick box IS ticked, then the Area code should read 0844, the Phone number section should read 5351740 and Country/Region should read United Kingdom (44) (or similar).
Above all this there is an area labeled "Connect Using". The name by which Windows refers to your modem or ISDN card should appear here (e.g. something like Standard 56K modem, Standard Modem, SupraExpress, Eicon Diva channel 0 or similar) with a tick next to it. If there is a tick next to the wrong modem, simply put a tick next to the correct modem and REMOVE the tick next to the incorrect modem.
Now click on the tab labeled Networking - you'll find it right at the top of the window, between the Security tab and the Advanced tab. "Type of Dial-Up Server I am calling" should read "PPP, Windows 95/98//NT4/2000, Internet". Under "This connection uses the following items", you should see an entry for "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)". This should be ticked. You may have other items listed too, some with ticks and some without. It is best to leave these alone at this point.
Now highlight the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" line and click on the Properties button. A new window should appear. There should be a blob in the "Obtain IP address automatically", and not in the "Use the following IP address" line. Similarly, there should be a blob in the "Obtain DNS server address automatically", and not in the "Use the following DNS server addresses" line.
Click on the OK button to get rid of this window, and then on the OK button on the older Window (Cymru 1 Properties) to get rid of it too.
You should now be back at the Network Connections window. Double click on the Cymru 1 icon. A new window called Cymru 1 should appear.
In the User name section you see your Cymru 1 dialup username (e.g. as described above. The Password box should show a row of black blobs. These blobs hide your actual password from prying eyes, but each blob represents a letter or number in your password. If you like, you can use your mouse to highlight all the blobs, press the key marked "Delete" on your keyboard, then type in your password again. If no password/blobs are shown, just enter your password.
In the Dial section towards the bottom, you should see the Cymru 1 dial-up phone number (0844 5351740).
Click on Dial to dial the connection. If all is well, you should find yourself connected to Cymru 1. If Windows displays an error message to do with a communication problem with your modem, the problem may be to do with your modem's configuration. You should contact your modem manufacturer or PC vendor for help. Or, if all else fails, you can contact the Cymru 1 technical support department. Click here for details on how to do this.
If you have Windows 200 installed, you need to click on the Start button, then select Settings, then Dial-Up Networking.
Doing so will bring up a new window on your screen containing your dial-up and other networking settings. There should be a minimum of two icons in this window, one labeled "Make New Connection", and one labeled Cymru 1.
Use the RIGHT mouse button to click on the Cymru 1 icon, and select Properties from the pop-up menu that appears. This will cause a new window to appear on your screen, showing the phone numbers that Windows should use to connect to the Cymru 1 service, and which device (modem) it should use.
IF THE AREA CODE AND COUNTRY/REGION CODE AREAS ARE BLANKED/GRAYED OUT, and the "Use Dialling Rules" tick box is NOT ticked, as long as the full telephone number for the Cymru 1 service is listed in the Phone Number section (0844 5351740) , all is well.
If the area code and country/region code areas are not blanked/grayed out, and the "Use Dialling Rules" tick box IS ticked, then the "Area code" should read 0844, the "Phone number" section should read 5351740 and "Country/Region" should read United Kingdom (44) (or at least something similar).
Above all this there is an area labeled "Connect Using". The name by which Windows refers to your modem or ISDN card should appear here (e.g. something like Standard 56K modem, Standard Modem, SupraExpress, Eicon Diva channel 0 or similar) with a tick next to it. If there is a tick next to the wrong modem, simply put a tick next to the correct modem and REMOVE the tick next to the incorrect modem.
Now click on the tab labeled Networking - you'll find it right at the top of the window, between the Security tab and the Sharing tab. "Type of Dial-Up Server I am calling" should read "PPP, Windows 95/98//NT4/2000, Internet". Under This connection uses the following items, you should see a listing for "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)". This should be ticked. You may have other items listed too, some with ticks and some without. It is best to leave these alone at this point.
Now highlight the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" line and click on the Properties button. A new window should appear. There should be a blob in the "Obtain IP address automatically" line, and not in the "Use the following IP address one". Similarly, there should be a blob in the "Obtain DNS server address automatically" line, and not in the "Use the following DNS server addresses".
Click on the OK button to close this window, and then on the OK button on the other Window (Cymru 1 Properties) to close it too.
You should now be back at the Network and Dial-Up Connections window. Double click on the Cymru 1 icon. A new window called Connect Cymru 1 should appear.
In the User name section you see your Cymru 1 dialup username (e.g. as described above. The Password box should show a row of asterisks (*). These asterisks hide your actual password from prying eyes, but each * represents a letter or number in your password. If you like, you can use your mouse to highlight all the asterisks, press the key marked "Delete" on your keyboard, then type in your password again. If no asterisks are shown, just enter your password.
Click on Dial to dial the connection. If all is well, you should find yourself connected to Cymru 1. If Windows displays an error message to do with a communication problem with your modem, the problem may be to do with your modem's configuration. You should contact your modem manufacturer or PC vendor for help. Or, if all else fails, you can contact the Cymru 1 technical support department. Click here for details on how to do this.