So, you've used an HTML editor (such as one of the ones we've mentioned in the Internet Tools page in the Extras section) to create your Web site. But what do you do now? How do you copy your site from your hard disk to your personal Web space for all to see?
Well, first of all you need to Enable
your Web space, then you'll need to use an FTP
client to send your files to your personal Web space.
All Connect 247 accounts come with 10Mb of free Webspace for personal use.
Using it is very simple.
1) Log in to the Connect 247 Control Panel. You'll find a link to this on the main Connect 247 information page or you can just go to
2) Click on the Domains & Email link on the left.
3) If you have already set up a subdomain (e.g. for Email), please skip to step 4. Otherwise you'll need to add one now. To do so
i) Click on the Add New link under Domains & Email
ii) Select the FREE Subdomain option and click on the Proceed button
iii) Enter the subdomain name of your choice in the box. You can choose almost anything you like as long as it isn't rude and doesn't infringe on someone else's trademarks or intellectual property. Often people use their surname here, or the name of their house or business.
iv) Click on the Create Domain button.
v) The page will now show that your domain is active and will list it.
4) Click on the [web hosting] link to the right of the line listing to domain you want to set up a website on.
5) A new page will appear. Click on Add New
6) A new page will appear asking you to enter some details.
i) Enter www in the Prefix section (or you can use something else, but www is what most people will want).
ii) Enter your choice of Username in the Username box. You'll need to enter this in your FTP program when you come to upload your website to your web space.
iii) Enter a password for this username in password sections and click on the Add button
7) A new page will appear listing your new Web address.
8) Wait a short while for your request to be processed. In a moment or two you will see the word Active shown under the Status heading.
Your webspace is now ready to be used. Use the Username and Password information you chose earlier in your FTP program (see below) and have it connect to to upload your files. PLEASE UPLOAD TO THE "DATA" FOLDER!
Please note: You must be connected via your Connect 247 account in order to upload files to your webspace.
Optional: If you want visitors to the domain name you've just created (e.g. to be re-directed to another website then simply click on the "prefix" listed. A new page will appear asking you where you want to redirect visitors to (e.g.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is the protocol all web sites use to allow customers to upload (send) their files to their Web space. An FTP client is simply a program that understands this protocol and is designed specifically for uploading (sending) and also for downloading (receiving) files from Web sites.
Some examples of FTP clients include CuteFTP, WS-FTP and FTP Voyager. Click on the name of the program to go to the program publisher's Web site. You can also find more FTP programs by visiting and searching for FTP. PLEASE NOTE: Some HTML editors have built-in FTP facilities. If this is the case with your HTML editor, you won't need to download a separate FTP client.
Using your FTP client to connect to your Personal Web space.
In order to connect with your personal web space, you'll need to tell your FTP client the following three things:
1) The FTP server name/address
2) Your FTP username/account name
3) Your FTP password
The FTP server name/address you should use is always
Your FTP username is the username you chose when enabling your personal webspace.
Your FTP password is the password you chose when enabling
your personal webspace.
You cannot activate or upload files to your personal Web
space unless you connect to the Internet using your Connect
247 account.