This section contains helpful information on using and trouble-shooting your VPS and the Plesk control panel software
Comprehensive user manuals covering the use of the Virtuozzo Power Panel (Parallels Power Panel) and Parallels Plesk hosting control panel can be found on the User Manuals page.
We strongly recommend that you try to find the information you require in these manuals before you contact technical support by telephone or by email.
Comprehensive information to help you trouble-shoot the majority of problems you might encounter when using the Parallels Plesk hosting control panel can be found in the Parallels Plesk Knowledgebase.
Alternatively you may find the solution to your problem by searching through or posting on the Parallels Plesk user to user discussion forum which is located at
We strongly recommend that you try to find the information you require in the knowledgebase or forum before you contact technical support by telephone or by email.
A wide range of hints and tips, including how to get started with Plesk, the importance of Security an extensive look at setting up and using DNS and nameservers, can be found in our VPS Hints and Tips page.
We strongly recommend that you try to find the information you require in this page before you contact technical support by telephone or by email.
If the solution to your problem isn't covered the User Manuals, knowledgebase, forum or hints and tips page, please contact us and we'll do our best to help.