You will find extensive information to help you solve most problems in our online help pages:
Comprehensive but easy to follow user manuals and guides covering how to login to your Control Panel, how to set up and use Email and how to upload files to your hosting account can be found on the User Manuals page.
We strongly recommend that you try to find the information you require in these manuals before you contact technical support by telephone or by email.
If the solution to your problem isn't covered in the online information or the User Manuals please contact us and we'll do our best to help.
Please try to contact Technical Support by Email wherever possible - contacting the Technical Support department by Telephone should be limited to emergency situations only.
By Email:
Gold and Silver hosting customers are eligible for Diamond Support and can contact the Diamond Support department by email at You will receive a reply as quickly as possible.
By Telephone:
Gold and Silver Hosting customers are eligible for Diamond Support and can contact the Diamond Support department by telephone on 08000 112244. Please only call in an emergency - please contact the Support Department by email whenever possible.
Lines normally open 9:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. Calls to this number are usually free called from a normal BT landline.