They consist of our Low cost business calls and line rental, which offers extremely low cost telephone calls (as low as 1p per minute for National and Local weekday calls) and optionally reduced cost line rental, and our Non Geographic Number (NGN) service which provides you with advanced 0845, 0844, 0871 (10ppm), 0800 numbers (Free to call), London 0207 and free 07005 numbers to use for your business. Their features include being able to divert to mobile and international numbers, hunt group dialling, voicemail and more.
* If you decide to switch your line rental to us, although BT Openworld engineers will be responsible for maintaining your line if things go wrong, and although the line will still be connected to the same BT telephone exchange, you will need to call our own special faults number in order to problems on your line and of course we will bill you for your line rental instead of BT.
** We also require 30 days notice of cancellation.